Play at 00:35 - Both middles at work. One goes for the dump and feints towards direction of split(encouraging opposite man to peddle back in a single direction) but steps back in, while half scoops right and draws his own man away to create a hole for the splitter to slide in for a try. Although notice how the dumper consciously sets it up by taking the dump only in the MIDDLE and only on his *OPPOSITE DEFENDING MIDDLE...presumably to 1)create enough space for the scooper to draw his man to the right 2)force the *OPPOSITE DEFENDING MIDDLE in having to come up for the touch instead of getting onside.
A similiar play can also be observed 00:42, with what appears to be a "JAM" at the start. So for those who panic when a "JAM" doesn't work out, simply think of this move as mentioned. A third can also be seen at 2:00 which was negated by a handling error. There may be many other underlying inner workings involved as well. This is after all, a level we can never hope to attain...over the next year or so. Feel free to give your two shots at it with your own ideas.
Can anyone do someting abt the HTML coding to downsize the big ass window?
*refers to the defending middle diagonally opposite the attacking middle. For instance, left attacking middle will be dealing with the right defending middle instead of his own defending middle and vice versa.