Friday, March 31, 2006

Training no. 14 (31st March)

First class Friday, NUS field, 7pm
Training Objective:
- Perfecting the "Usual & flow for EVERYONE
- Attacking moves
- Defensive pattern
- 6 v 6 open game

The Friday Quotes:

6-pack crucial game Quotes

"Winning is not everything, but the effort to win is" - Zig Ziglar
"The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur" - Vince Lombardi
"Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt" - Olympics Motto
"I just try to be the best I can be and hope that is the best ever" - Tiger Woods
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out" - Ronald Reagan
"Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory" - Norman Vincent Peale
"Teams do not go physically flat, they go mentally stale" - Vincent Lombardi
"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire" - Ferdinand Foch
"Don't find fault. Find a remedy" - Henry Ford
"In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without a total 100 percent dedication, you won't be able to do this" - Willie Mays
"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence" - Eddie Robinson
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat"

Monday, March 27, 2006

Six Pack vs Bedok Kings

25th March, 3.30pm, Turf City

Round 6 Match:

Score : 8-0

Playa of the Day: Adam

Dick of the Day: Dennis

Play of the Day: The switch between David & Alan confusing the defence and creating the try for Khairul (see on VCD, chapter 02, 0:30 sec)

Although, lesser in numbers, this weekend the spectators saw a stronger line-up of 6 pack who have been coming down for trainings and been honing their communication well to keep the opposition away from the tryline as well as sharpening the flow of the attack. The team attack improvement was apparent when Khairul scored through an awesome move which was to be the "play of the day".
6-pack had a boost as well when Mingli graciously grant us her strength as 6-pack was having only 9 men at the inception of the match

Great reading of the game, Visionary Adam secured the Man of the Match for Round 6.
A no-show, no-news, no-sms from Dennis, easily imparted him the Dick of the Day.
Kudos to Jervais and Loo for sacrificing their meeting to help the team out when we need it the most

It was...Miss Rugby Singapore last week...
This will be

Pimp da Playa

Playa 1

Playa 2

Playa 3

Playa 4

Playa 5

Playa 6

Playa 7

Playa 8

Playa 9

Playa 10

Playa 11

Playa 12

Playa 13

Playa 14

Playa 15

Playa 16

Playa 17

Playa 18

Playa 19

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Training no. 12 (24th March)

Fantastic Friday, NUS field, 7pm Training
- Change-of-pace Dumping
- timing the attack of 5 metre moves
- 6 v 6 open game

The Friday Quotes:


"It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end" - Ursula K. Le Guin

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals" - Zig Ziglar

"It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny" - Jean Nidetch

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny" - Tyron Edwards

"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul" - William Ernest Henley

Friday, March 24, 2006

Six Pack vs bit of Nuck Fose & Lots of Pukekos

18th March, 3.30pm, Turf City

Round 5 Match:

Score : 3-4

Playa of the Day: n/a

Dick of the Day: n/a

Play of the Day: n/a

Nuck Fose was not able to field enough players to play last Saturday. Thus the match is an automatic walkover to 6-pack. With 3 pts in the bag, 6-pack braved on the challenge when Nuck Fose combined with Pukeko for an exciting close match. We learnt a lot from the experienced opponents and also DVD-ed the match down for further studies. 1st of April, the joke will be on who hasn't got a copy. Look for me.....

Nuck Fose forfeiting the match also means bountiful time for Xiang Junn to put his off-the-field peripheral "vision" and camera skills into effective use. For the beloved 6-pack avid readers, we proudly bring to you....

The Miss Rugby Singapore 2006

M.R.S - 1

M.R.S - 2

M.R.S - 3

M.R.S - 4

M.R.S - 5

M.R.S - 6

M.R.S - 7

M.R.S - 8

M.R.S - 9

M.R.S - 10

M.R.S - 11

M.R.S - 12

M.R.S - 13

M.R.S - 14

M.R.S - 15

Cast in your votes in the "comments" now now now.....

p.s: The article above should not be taken seriously. No harm intended. Sorry ah, refs & beloved camerawoman...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Training no. 10 (17th March)

Fa-la-la Friday, NUS field, 7pm
Training Objective: 4 vs 4 mini game (supposedly)

Not in position to comment.
I am sorry everyone.
The bros were playing soccer for rugby training and I was in Mr.A-Z concert.

"it takes a crane to build a crane
it takes two floors to make a story
it takes an egg to make a hen
it takes a hen to make an egg
there is no end to what i'm saying

it takes a thought to make a word
and it takes some words to make an action
it takes some work to make it work
it takes some good to make it hurt
it takes some bad for satisfaction

la la la la la la la life is wonderful"

The Friday Quotes:


"Winning has always meant much to me, but winning friends has meant the most" - Babe Didrikson Zaharias

"When we hurt each other we should write it down in the sand, so the winds of forgiveness can make it go away for good. When we help each other we should chisel it in stone, lest we never forget the love of a friend" - Christian H. Godefroy

"The bond that links your true 'brother' is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life" - Richard Bach

"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team" - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

"To err is human; to admit it, superhuman" - Doug Larson

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great" - Mark Twain

"Hard work and togetherness. They go hand in hand. You need the hard work because it's such a tough atmosphere... to win week in and week out. You need togetherness because you don't always win, and you gotta hang tough together" - Tony Dungy

One moment in time.....Even if the parting has to come sooner or later, treasure every moment we have, bro. May our achievements and friendships are carved forever in our memories for eternity. The Legacy of 6-pack. RESPECTA !

p.s: Don't be a penguin. Don't kill each other, aight....

Monday, March 13, 2006

Quickies' NTU touch 4-attack tournament (side entry)

12th March, Sunday, 9am - 2pm, NTU sports field

This is a tale of 4 brave lads and 2 lovely ladies overcoming all odds to triumph as the sole surviving team in the grueling hot tournament.
Quickies, a befitting team name that sends shivers down the spine of the opponents and distracts them with the possibility thought of having a quick one before the match.
Nonetheless, this team is nothing but pure skills and heart (a lot of fun too)

It was apparent that going through all the way to win the championship was no easy task even for a Team like Quickie. One playa had to go through the too-full-of-Maggie-Mee ordeal early in the morning. And the other just had to suffer the socks-deprived -full-of-blister 1st match. It also did not help that the team was deprived of 1 extra player which proved to be extremely crucial in a fast paced 4-a-side game

Qualifying Round 1st game: vs Chunky Monkeyz (1-3)
This was supposed to be an easygoing friendly affair as Chunky Monkeyz were mostly made up of brothas from 6-packs. The pact of “taking it easy” was soon broken when Adam broke through Quickies’ line of defence. Half-awake and still dreaming of having a Quickie, Adam switched from sprinting for the try-line to a stroll-in-the-park speed. Alas, his dream was not being shared by the stud. Galloping down the field that would put even Seabiscuit proud, the “Stallion” went for a try-saving dive. (p.s: which I kind of regret, with all the scabs now). Rejected!!!
Smelling the dejection in the other team, Quickies quickly drew blood from Monkeyz for the 1st try of the day. Wicked
However, the Monkeyz are no pushovers. A quick 1st try response from Khairul/Adam combination, then Loo for the 2nd try, then David for the 3rd try erased all Quickies’ efforts early in the game.
Exhausted, hungry (full of Maggie for one playa) and blistered, Quickies went down to the fresher, Chunkier Monkeyz team. Respecta to the Monkeyz for winning the 1st match
No love lost though as these 2 teams are bratha n sista off the field.
Words of congratulatory were soon shared between the 2 teams…..
“Cya in the final” – Loo/David (??)
“ Ok lah. We (monkeyz) can win already” – David Teo

Qualifying Round 2nd game: vs Bonobos (4-1)
Boosted by the arrival of the extra playa (1 extra sub), Hairul a.k.a the Tapdancing Rugger, Quickies took on the field with a rejuvenated spirits. This is the match which kickstarted the teamplay, grasping of the game concept and “The” idea for a deadly attacking move which was the basis of the commencement of Quickies’ offence (SD). All which were useful traits to winning the Tourney.
Bonobos have a few fast guys which were dangerously unleashed to be running all over the field. Quickies, not known for the skill, leashed Bonobos anyway.
p.s: I can’t remember who scored for Quickies

Qualifying Round 3rd game: vs Big Spring Chicken (5-1)
Up against the Big one, Quickies went to a huddle and collaborated a move that took the Chickas by surprise. Big Spring Chicken is mainly made up of National Rugby players and the gfs. DA MOVE: A quick touch, tap & pass by Hadi to Leander who switched running directions & marked man from right to left, allowed a 2 vs 1 situation (Hairul & Leander vs 1 Chicka). Hairul using his great judgement that the gap was closing up, switched back to the centre creating a 3 vs 2 situation (Hairul- Hadi- Aien vs 2 chickas). Lateral passing among Quickies allowed Aien to ballet through the line with ease. Alas, the referee, who had been using Bausch Renu contact lens solution and now vision impaired, ruled the last pass as a forward pass.
It was easily the move of the tournament, moving the ball from right to left wing and to the right wing again, involving all Quickies to score the try.
But anyway, Quickies slaughtered the Chickans and had it for lunch as they marinated it with 5 tries

Semi-final: vs the Burners (1-0)
It was quite ironic that we had to play against this team called the Burners coz the only thing that got burnt was my skin and it was by the sun, not by “da burners”. But oh !! There was one time when the Burners burnt through the centre and Hairul burnt the Burner to save the try. That was some hot Burning goin on.
Anyway, the score did not do justice to Quickies, as the Renu blinded referee once again ruled out 2!! obvious tries (forward passes)
A try later, Quickies made a date with the final and we arranged the referee a date with the optometrist

Note: In the other Semi-final, our Monkeyz brotha, unfortunately went down to team “No. 1” . The absurdly fast National 7s winger who has an impressive try scoring records against Samoans and Koreans , added Monkeyz to his lists. It was unfortunate as claimed by David Teo, that the “Samoan slayer & Korean Killer” has to strike at the moment when David was having Starbucks and a chat with the referee in the middle of the field. The promise of “Cya in the final” earlier turned to be nothing but an empty promise as I have to “watch them in the semi-final” instead

Da Final: vs No. 1 (2-0)
Putting past the smell of spring chicken behind and smelling the sweet smell of victory, Quickies went off to a quick start, orchestrating the moves and the defence. Knowing that we had to beat No.1 to be no. 1, Quickies defended flawlessly. The “Samoan slayer & Korean Killer” was clamped effectively as the No. 1 team had to work doubly hard to break the Quickies' line of D. However, it was quite a shame that the match had to deteriorate to be a debating match between the referee (a new ref, not the Renu one, this one is an SM, sadomasochism) and No. 1. It was apparent that No. 1 were frustrated for not being able to break Quickies’ D-line. Little did they know that Quickies are not just any Monkeys.
Settled down and with growing confidence, Quickies pulled off a blinding series of switches which allowed Man-o to score at the centre.
Wanting to close the chapter, ending it with an ironic twist of putting No.1 team to be no. 2, a pass from Hairul allowed generous space for Leander to sidestep the defence and create a 2vs1 situation for Man-o to score at the wing. *whistle blown*

Champion of NTU 4-attack 2006 tournament

p.s: David, remembering your quotes of “Ok lah. We can win already”. I felt really really really bad so I made a picture for you. We are all winners aight! 6-packs!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Six Pack vs Goodies

11th March, 2.40pm, Turf City

Round 4 Match Objective: Perfecting the Teamplay & Flow (NOT QUITE ACCOMPLISHED)
Score : 8-3

Playa of the Day: David Teo (hat-trick) & Jielun (playing w heart)

Dick of the Day: pls see at the end of the post

Play of the Day: The team try with all 6 players involved, passing the ball, running to the gap, drawing the oppo to score from one end of the wing to another.

The lime green outfit of the Goodies were to be this weeks victims although it wasn’t to be the one-sided onslaught 6PPB had hoped for. The early frustration was plain to see amongst the Goodies as 6PPB continually set up camp on their 5m line probing their defence for signs of weakness.

Not surprisingly it was a French man who was first to crack and admit defeat. In a momentary loss of self control the onion chopping Frenchie was issued his marching orders by a no nonsense Marli for a flurry of verbal insults.

Phases of brilliance soon followed from the 6PPB both from the individual (as demonstrated by David)……

as well as the whole team ……

Khairul got in the thick of the action by yet again turning defence into immediate attack with his trademark steal move, which is rapidly being known as “the Khairul”

However the Goodies didn’t just roll over. They regroup to cause the 6PPB a few blushes by scoring a quick brace leaving the score 4-2 at half time. A stern team talk at half time was needed to focus the team. The second half brought more of the same, some moments of brilliance followed by frustrating errors and sloppy defending.

David and Jielun lead by example and formed the backbone of creative play in the team thus being this weeks Men of the Match and deservedly so. The match ended 8-3 in favour of 6PPB.

It has come to my attention that Dick of the Day has become a more closely fought competition than Man of the Match. This week sees no less than 4 candidates competing for this prestigious prize, so in true Oscar tradition the nominees are;

Loo, for a warm up that has earned his “passive” reputation at California Fitness. (! Warning viewers must be 18 or over. Possible side effects upon clip exposure include nausea, vomiting, tongue swallowing, thoughts of suicide and for women abstaining from men!)

Green number 4, for being French and for a verbal assault on Marli and Millie that was more accustomed to a Quentin Tarantino film (parental guidance is advised)

Myself, for a shocking opening 3 minutes that saw a loop pass going to ground not Hadi, a certain try for Adam being squandered after another bad pass and the schoolboy error of dumping on no touch.

Junn, for gifting Bryan with Khairul try of his own. Although this was missed on the video nothing can escape the all seeing eye of our 6PPB satellite launched last week to spy on rival teams and provide Leander with match data to analyse.
6-Pack's satellite

And the Oscar's dick goes to

(drum roll)
urs ,
lovely Alan