Saturday, January 26, 2008

Remember who we are...

Dear SixPack,

To the Past
The Present
and The Future...

Remember who we are..

Remember why we are here...

For SixPack
is a collective of number of friends
who sacrifice for the greater good of the team,
who enjoys the company of his band of brothers,
he does not boast or quit,
or make excuses when he fails,
he is a cheerful loser and a quiet winner,
he plays fair and as well as he can,
he enjoys the constant struggle of improving
and value the game itself more highly than the result..
-Yohanes Leander-

Now remember this words..

For this is who we are...
and this is the reason why we are here...

God bless...


Jielun said...

Six Pack Buya!

Anonymous said...

Is it really appropiate to use Leander's "words of wisdom"... since he has already officially quit the team??

Sorry Khai, nice post.. but seeing his quote just sickens me and reeks of hyprocrisy

Loo said...

dude you should be the last person to say anything about 6pack. Without us you're nothing from the start. Remember we don't owe u anything and leander doesn't owe you jack shit. Whatever he put in was all him through everything. Think really hard why some of the main boys don't play for you anymore. So instead of you as one person saying shit about someone else and when those that left new you ain't go enough, you should start looking at yourself.

And Khai sorry to say this but the 6pack now ain't 6pack anymore. Honestly if we still stayed in 6pack, we would play only for khai and the rest.
