Monday, January 21, 2013

Todak joins multi-cornered fight in CE(Club Election)

Singapore- The Mighty Todak(swordfish) this morning has submitted its name in the running for representation for a new combined club featuring players from both blacks and 6-pack.

The election already crowded with potential names such as Pahlawan(warrior hero), Virtus, Vortex, Quokka and !Uno will now see a multi-cornered, no holds barred battle for representation.

When asked why it decided to stand in this election, the androgynous Todak said "From my understanding, it was going to be a two-horse race between the foreign names of Virtus and Quokka. I believe that I identify better with a 95% local clubside"

"We, Todaks have a chequered history in Singapore. We've had extreme battles with the humans of this land with both sides taking many losses. It ended through an extensive banana tree campaign. Although many of us became 'Ikan Kering', there was a new found respect for the victors among the few of us left. We even sympathised when the boy responsible for the mass murders was killed in Bukit Merah. These days our ferocity is matched only by our friendliness."

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