Monday, October 02, 2006

6-pack movie outing

On Saturday, 30th Sept...
Miami Vice, 11.30pm @ GV Gold Class Great World City
Graced by the presence of:
David, Hadi, Yum, Joyce, Gideon, Aggie,
Kenny, Adam, Sujan, Marli, Mag, Leander

Earlier in the day.....
Despite Ramadan, Adam caved in to temptations and made a valiant attempt to "jio" 3 girls out...Binded to "New Law 6: Never to publicly or privately shame a 6-pack teammate" we are unable to release the result of his misadventure....hmmm...hmm...perhaps a lil' bit....
Hatchet Man: May I take you to the movie ?
Rejector 1: Sure, but only if you buy my boyfriend one too!
Hatchet Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before ?
Rejector 2: Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore
Hatchet Man: I would go to the end of the world for a movie with you
Rejector 3: Good. Once u've reached, please remain there....
Anyway, we hope that it will not shatter his confidence on the field... nor change him any bit, especially after that worrying queer eye glance he gave at Gid

At the Cinema....
David unleashed his "Tin-Class" demeanor from the moment he stepped in n started to shout "GOLD CLASS. HOOOOO!!!!". We found out later that he has a bit too much of the hard stuffs. It is a bit hard to tell when David is tipsy for he is always acting silly even when he is not.

Anyway, the drama ended 5 mins after the movie started when he mechanized the recliner seat all the way back, punched his fist in the air for one last time, shouted "Awesome!!!" and passed out to La-la-land

All and all, the movie outing was a success and well worth it ....
bring on Semi & Finals !!!
Gold Class rocks !!

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