Friday, March 16, 2012

A Defensive Focus- The Know it All

Now that we've mentioned the Defensive Lynchpin, the Hatchet Man and his legitimate prodigy Baby Hatchet. Its appropriate that in the 3rd and final part of our defensive focus, we unveil the most self-important component of all teams. The little Know It All-the one we love to punch but seemingly can never muster the strength nor the heart to. Now 'Know-it-all' has the best theoretical knowledge base and he makes his views and opinions known all the time, during games, trainings and the other periods when he is with his teamates. Introducing 6-pack's Mr Know-It-All.....
 Gideon Knows..
History has it, that there the term Know It All has a negative connotation. However the team, unlike popular practice, deeply values the input from the World Cup representative especially in defence where Gideon is seen putting his money where is mouth is.
Name: Gideon Loh
Height: 162cm
Fave Quote: "Yum, you cock!", "I laike", "you got to corner hard",
Round 1 Stats: IT Team fill this up
Round 1 Fantasy Points: IT team fill this up

A taste for the Distasteful
Although his on field record is exemplary and cannot be questioned. There is a must to address his behaviour off the pitch where he engages in less than tasteful pleasures such as the countless exposures* that his teamates, their fans, friends and families face, not forgetting the theiving and sniffing of undergarments. There must come a time when the community just says no and put a stop to the vulgar tyranny of losing our underwear after training.

*Author note: We here at 6-pack know that Streaking is officially an on-pitch activity. We apologise for your sharpness and will try to write better. I would like to remind the other writer's not to post up any sensitive material regarding exposures as we probably do have young and highly impressionable kids reading and we do not want to taint or cause mental distraught.


Anonymous said...

insufferable know-it-all....

Anonymous said...

laundry bandit!!!! booyah -yum-