Monday, March 19, 2012

Fantasy 6-pack: Controversy Befalls Round 2

After the farce of round 1, one could have safely assumed that Adam Chan's forced leave of absence by the powers that be, would have encouraged discipline and injected some balance to the force. However, controversy continues to surround the 6-pack side as a number of suspicious events took place prior and during the game against Blue Thunder.
Too Much Pride Ong
Last week, we produced a rather favourable-which is unlike the nature of yours truly-article on the Ong. Caleb had announced to the world that he had "too much pride" to go down with a calf injury in the first minute. If 'pride' were to be a quantifiable figure, then we would derive a conclusion that Ong's pride while it is "too much" for him, is not enough for us. Ong's Pride<What was Expected.

Last weekend, the fantasy grapes on the fields of turf city was just excrutiatingly sour/bitter to chew on. However to cast doubts on the, church going Ong's integrity would be highly impulsive and awfully presumptious. We reject the notion that Ong would betray his well-serving Wingman, widely known to many as God.

The Suggestion(Jinx from Down Under)
This leads us to negotiate a tricky path of an intangible known to many as 'Superstition'. Now some of us have practices which can be considered Superstitious, such as keeping a lucky coin etc. Others may have more acqquired practices, such as Gideon's addiction to sniffing or Yum's insistence on maintaining his infamous Reverse Pyramid Hairdo(Making it look like he has a bigger head, thus a bigger brain. So he says). Nonetheless, I am digressing. What we actually should be discussing more about is, a jinx, or rather the unintentional jinx aka curse, hex, the evil eye and the more colloquial term, SUAY.

We can safely assume that as a collective whole, the 6-pack side is not Superstitious. So when a misguided fan, made a dreaded comment. The powers that be simply brushed aside that remark as nonsense, which is logically the right thing to do. Never again. From now onwards, all comments will be scrutinised and judged accordingly and players will be actively encouraged to either seek divine intervention or to do what our mothers do. 'BUANG SUAY'.

Buang Suay
n. Local Slang To actively rid oneself or others of a jinx,curse, evil eye and bad luck by engaging in our mother's superstition.
Eg. Flower Baths(Mandi Bunga), Rearranging Feng Shui, Hair Cut, Rubbing Salt on the body.

Flower Baths also known as Mandi Bunga, according to expert aunties advice, an excellent tried and tested, method of buang-ing the Suay.

There lies one curse, no amount of 'buang suay' can rid your fantasy team of. That fellow managers is the "Choice" Curse.

Shedding light on the choice curse will take some testicular fortitude, which this reporter readily admits that he does not possess enough of, right now. There will come a day, sometime this week, when I have enough alcohol in my blood stream to undertake such a risk.


DaVid said...

some may argue, that it might be lack of fluids, lack of rest time or much needed isotones to prevent cramps. However that is a suggestion of unprofessionalism which we the players reject.

leander said...

Hahaha. Awesome.