Sunday, March 25, 2012

WAG outraged- Player takes tactlessness down to a new low

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". We're all familiar with this age old cliche, therefore we tend to behave intelligently & sensitively around our girlfriends. Well, almost all of us that is. It was almost 16 hours ago, when Xu Xueting decided to take her boyfriend's ridiculous comparisons public through a status update in Facebook.

Disrespecting years of constant handwork and getting himself in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, again!

The player in question today, is a certain Mr Lee Yum Hwa. Recently, the blog editors have taken a sabbatical from reporting on Lee as it might seem, like incessantly, unfair targetting of an individual. However, the man seems to have a constant knack in providing this blog with excessive free ammunition, to gun him down with.

It is understood from Xu's updates, that Yum Hwa was present at a girls U-20 selection match, which some concerned parents might say that he had no business lurking around and abouts. Lee was taken by a certain 18 year old's brilliant performance and foolishly proceeded to make his comparisons known to his World Cup Bronze Medallist, girlfriend.

Better Player
 10 likes and counting, XT the better half of the pair.
I have dropped Xueting a supportive comment, that she "is a better player" than her quick to judge, boyfriend. This comment and belief has since been reinforced by 12 likes and is quickly gaining consensus in the touch community.
Lend Your Support to Xueting

Lastly, this goes out to Tactless Lee, "Years of Handwork" must be respected if not treasured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still wanna know, what is handwork?!