Friday, March 16, 2012

Fantasy Friday- Weekly Digest

Thank God for Fantasy Fridays!!! On fridays, we bring you the latest news about players, their girlfriends, their injuries, their girlfriend's injuries, availability and all the latest touch football celebrity gossip! We begin this day of all days with some troubling news. Are there cracks appearing at the apex of the 6-pack molehill?


About a day ago, the powers that be, came down hard on this poor and fragile writer, demanding that I use a hyphen-also called dash to those who aren't familiar-when using the term 6-pack. Now whether or not, the omission of a hyphen constitutes a telling off with numerous exclaimation marks and the word 'blardee' which one can safely interpret as 'bloody', its hard to say. Displaying the autocratic leadership, the powers that be immediately shut Lee Yum Hwa down when he jumped in to protect this author's creative independence. Now while everyone including myself enjoys watching an old school bollocking of Lee, I'm afraid to say that Yum's question is a fair one and that 6-pack will still be pronounced as 6-pack no matter the hyphen and that Yum Wa just doesn't sound right.

Cross your ts, dot your Is, and dash your hyphens!

Surely, we have matured and moved beyond the hyphen and isn't it true that the hyphen is just an elevated and poorer cousin to the Underscore which is the preferred choice of the present?

Now We here at Fantasy Fridays offer you, the reader, the chance to get creative with our name. Can you come up with a design/name that will still be pronounced as 6-pack and yet be suitable  for this day and age?
Please put your suggestions in the chatbox located at the right. The winner will be treated to a fine lunch @ Yum's house. I'm taking 6^pack, get your own.


leander said...

Da-Vid is still pronounce as David irregardless the hyphen and you are missing the whole point to justify yours.

DaVid said...


leander said...
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DaVid said...

ok please wait for a full satirical retraction and apology by this evening

leander said...

No worries, bro. 'orget it.
I think you are doing an awesome job with the articles.
Please keep 'em coming.